Saturday, November 7, 2009

Item #1...Do We Really Care What Ben Affleck Says?

I must admit that this blog is overdue. I have dealt with my inner-grumblings over Hollywood Simpletons that have left their mark with opinions on government and policy in the past; however, after seeing Hollywood trying to nuzzle itself with the common man as if it cares what you think in the new cable series "Poliwood", I can't stand back and keep quiet any more. As much as Rachel Leigh Cook was shocked at how angry normal people can get when confronting the soap-box hogging celebs on pushing their agendas, watching Tim Daly from "Wings" (seriously, was this guy in anything else?) act as if he's just as normal as Tom, Dick, or Harry driving his kids to soccer practice, etc, except for the designer horn rimmed eye glasses he was flaunting or the fact that he makes royalties off of any re-runs, not to mention the paycheck he was getting for "Donating" his time for Poliwood while other working people that were in this hotel room were donating their precious time.

But that's not why I am blogging today. My first few blogs will set the mood for what Hollywood has set as a foundation for their retort. I will admit, that my personal experience with politics is limited, as I took only a couple poly-sci classes on my way to a B.S. in Environmental Studies with a emphasis on Population/Organismal Ecology. However, I have always been interested in government (attended Boys State and Citizin Bee in highschool). Growing up on a farm, with Reagan democrats for parents, I originally registered as a republican, but now have true inner awareness that I'm a libertarian at heart. Now that I have my background set, it's time to magnify the microscope on the Hollywood Amateur Politicians (HAPs).

Let us start with a personal favorite of mine....Ben Affleck. Oh Benny, how your acting has carved a piece out of our society that we will never obtain again. I know I will never be able to get back the time I wasted in my life watching great movies like "Reindeer Games" and "Gigli".

On "Real Time with Bill Maher (Real Time w/ BM)", Benny was intelligent enough to let out this little rant on the Valerie Plame name leak issue referring to President George W. Bush..."He probably also leaked the name there's just no proof of that......cause if he did, you can be hung for that! That's treason! You could be killed. That's not a joking around Tom DeLay 'I'll do a year, I bribed the state officials with corporate money.' That's like they shoot you in the battlefield for doing that. Don't you think that we should find out who leaked that name?" Maybe someone should tell Benny that slander is not protected by the first ammendment (either is screaming fire in a movie theatre). I never understood why so many people can get off by making so many outlandish comments on that show without facts to back them up.

On another Real Time w/ BM episode, Benny brought up his take on the republican primaries saying that Mitt Romney would be the candidate because he looks good, has nice hair, and the republicans didn't seriously have anyone else. Ranting on about how Romney was against abortion, he's clean cut and he looks like a Ken doll. After he was reminded that Romney was the ex-governor of Massachusetts, Benny threw out this rant referring to Mitt Romney... ‘I hate liberals,’ is what he’s basically now saying. He’s holding his nose saying, ‘I wish I didn’t even have to be in Massachusetts. I’m sorry I was there. I hated them when I was governor. I hated Massachusetts. I was governor because I wanted to kill them all!’ ”

Does anyone remember that scene in the movie "Dazed and Confused" where a drunk Ben Affleck stands up in the bed of a pick up truck to say something...realizes he is too drunk and sits back down in his lawn chair? Why can't he take the same course of action when he wants to say something as inane and preposterous as the comments he makes on Real Time w/ BM. I mean, we are listening to political garble from a guy who attended the University of Vermont for one semester before dropping out and enrolling in Occidental University in California studying middle eastern studies for a short period of time before dropping out. This is one of the elitists that Hollywood has tossed in front of us for our political re-education? Hollywood can get bent! I believe in free speech, but I also believe in free will, and I am not going to spend my hard earned post-taxed money on any movies that include any actor or director that try to use their fame as a soap-box to dictate their philosphies to me. (Be it republican or democrat actors and actresses, enough is enough)....let people think for themselves.

Next blog....What are the Prerequisites of Becoming a Governor in California?

1 comment:

  1. There is a long list of celebs who promote their own careers by becoming politically controversial. Take Janeane Garafalo, for instance. She had a bit part in a few marginal movies, claims to be a comedienne, but is known primarily for her lame political rantings. Some people will do anything to get attention, especially when it becomes lucrative for them to be controversial.

    I have never cared for Julia Roberts, particularly since she made derogatory political remarks toward Bush on a televised awards show. I read in a magazine recently that her heroes are Sean Penn and Susan Sarandon. Now that explains alot.
